Home Renovation
With over a decade of specialized experience encompassing a wide range of services for various residential properties, our Green Circle is committed to fulfilling your renovation needs efficiently and effectively.
Green Circle Home Energy Upgrade
Our licensed electricians and plumbers are available for all your other needs!
Let our Green Circle Team help you schedule your FREE home energy assessment
Enjoy great discounts (some are FREE) for various insulation work from the Mass Save Program
Let Green Circle upgrade your electrical panel to prepare for all kind of energy saving upgrades! Our electricians are always ready for your projects!
Let Green Circle replace your old knob and tube wires if there is any in your house. (Knob and Tube old wires are considered UNSAFE) Mass Save has great rebate program up to $10,000.
Let Green Circle help you upgrade your old heating equipment with high efficiency heat pump equipment. Up to $16,000 rebate from Mass Save!
"Unfamiliar with the Mass Save Rebate Program? No worries, we will walk you through the whole process"